Creature Control Capsule: Creature Control Capsule - Jeef Zajer Defender
Specifications                  [Edit]
Creature:Jeef Zajer
Maximal TT:2.00 PED
Scanning Profession
Scanning Profession:Mutant Investigator
Required level:2 Levels
Found on:Planet Toulan

This capsule allows for the control of one instance of the creature specified in the item name for a period 15 minutes, and is consumed on use.


While in creature form you will:

Have the same strengths and weaknesses as the creature.

Not be able to do most avatar related tasks, like using your inventory, the auction etc.

Be able to kill other avatars, but not other creatures.

Have a chance to get listed in the Kills as Creature Hall of Fame if you kill at least ten different avatars.

Not receive any loot or any other monetary gain.

Not be killed by automated gun turrets.

Not be attacked by other creatures.

Not be able to exit creature form unless you are killed.

Continue as the creature if you relog.


While you are logged out the creature will be controlled by the AI. You will be able to add time for additional PEDs when remaining control time runs low. You may also do so a limited number of times.

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