Locations of everything that can be found in Entropia Universe. You can click on an item on the map or on "edit/view" in the chart to start editing. To add new items, use the "Add location" tab. Showing 391 of 56 locations.

Map: Lon  Lat:  

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ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand AreaDistance
Planet Cyrene13532578958Mission Broker Challenger Jerome 0
Planet Cyrene13530678980Mission Broker Challenger Harman 29
Planet Cyrene13547579101CreatureLiving Vortex Ravaging to Living Storm VortexMedium207
Planet Cyrene13557478596CreatureHorned Bird Young to AlphaMedium439
Planet Cyrene13489078659ResourcePurple CrystalLow528
Planet Cyrene13562379422ResourceYellow CrystalLow551
Planet Cyrene13506878355CreatureMang Chang Puny to WeakMedium655
Planet Cyrene13621679176Place Duster Hazing Station 679
Planet Cyrene13568279541Mission Broker Ryvox the Cypher 684
Planet Cyrene13506579604CreatureDuster ScavengerMedium696
Planet Cyrene13576279503Teleport Kwarn, the Destroyed City Teleporter 699
Planet Cyrene13596479253CreatureLiving Vortex Living Storm VortexLow704
Planet Cyrene13586478473CreatureRhino Beetle MatureLow725
Planet Cyrene13459778992CreatureTree Dragon ProwlerMedium729
Planet Cyrene13529378193CreatureRhyncho BirdHigh766
 mm     m
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Latest update: 14-03-2025 18:55:04 (Local Time)

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